Meet the Exec

 2024 Executive



When and why did you become a Spin Sister? When I first moved to Calgary in 2011.

What is your Spin Sisters ride level? Blue

What was your favourite trail in 2023? 

Prairie View / Jewel Pass

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride? Orange juice and nachos. Preferably on a sunny patio with a mountain view.

What is your personal motto/mantra? Say yes to new adventures


Vice President

When and why did you become a Spin Sister? I have a small group of peeps I ride with and most of them are my son and husband. I wanted to meet other females who ride and be able to ride more often.

What is your Spin Sisters ride level? Blue Plus

What was your favourite trail in 2023? In 2023 I rode so many good trails. I like the ridgebacks and snakes down and up.

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride? For after a ride, I like a good craft beer (partial to hazy IPAs) and sliced red peppers. That's in the parking lot sitting around. When I get home, though, I usually have earned PIZZA!!!

What is your personal motto/mantra?
"It's time to pull up your big girl panties"



When did you become a Spin Sister? 

This is my second with the Spin Sisters. I'm back on the mountain trails after a few years on the road bike and excited to meet like minded ladies to ride the trails with.

What is your Spin Sisters ride level? 

Blue / Blue Plus 

What was your favourite trail in 2023?  

I love Merlin -the gradual grind, the views and the flowing downhill.

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride? 

An ice-cold beer.

What is your personal motto? 

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving forward.


Secretary (Position Available for 2025)

When did you become a Spin Sister? My First was season 2011 to learn to Mtb race!

What is your Spin Sisters ride level?  Most seasons a Blue Plus

What was your favourite trail in 2023?  So many amazing rides i cant decide.

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride? A hazy Beer, salty pepperoni and the Heart of bragg creek bistro snacks.

What is your personal motto? Adventure is calling-Work hard and play hard! 


Chief Operating Officer / Rides Coordinator

Please email if you are interested in this position!



Please email if you are interested in this position!


Admin / Website (Position Available for 2025)

When did you become a Spin Sister? When I moved to Calgary in 2023

What is your Spin Sisters ride level?  Blue

What was your favourite trail in 2023?  I didn't get out nearly as much as I wanted but had a great ride in Bragg, up Boundary and down Snagmore (I think it was that way)

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride? Chocolate or Ice Cream, and anything cold to drink

What is your personal motto? Just Keep Ped-ling (like Dora in Finding Nemo)



When did you become a Spin Sister? I joined after having a mountain bike for a few years and a few 'cry rides' with my partner I had a road cycling background, so knew I could ride a bike - just not on singletrack! I loved the community within Spin Sisters, and the supportive vibe.

What is your Spin Sisters ride level?  Blue all the way! I approach Blue Plus level fitness near the end of the season, but my skill level is Blue

What was your favourite trail in 2023?  I really enjoyed Kestrel this year in West Bragg. The trail builders did such a great job!   

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride? Just about anything really!  Especially if it's salty ...mmmm 

What is your personal motto? You. Got. This.  :)  


Ride Clinic and Maintenance Clinic Coordinator

When did you become a Spin Sister? was always riding with the boys, fun to session and work on progression with the ladies

What is your Spin Sisters ride level? Blue / Blue Plus

What was your favourite trail in 2023?  Race of Spades! love the wooden features

What is your go-to drink and/or food for after a ride?  bubbly water and chips!

What is your personal motto? let's go!!